Quiz Games
Start a game
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Starts a new game
<template #request>
If loadSettingsFromDB
is set to true
, settings for that game will be loaded into config from the DB. If false
gamename: 'Karaoke Quiz Time!'
loadSettingsFromDB: false
Simply resolves
code: 500,
Stop current game
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Stops the current game, returning the app to normal karaoke operating mode.
Simply resolves
code: 500
Delete a game
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Removes a game from database
<template #request>
gamename: 'Karaoke Quiz Time!'
Simply resolves
code: 500,
Reset game scores
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Resets all scores from a game to start anew.
<template #request>
gamename: 'Karaoke Quiz Time!'
Simply resolves
code: 500,
Toggle game continue
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
<template #success-response>
Simply resolves
code: 500,
Get list of games
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
List all games in database to choose oen from.
<template #success-response>
gamename: 'Karaoke Quiz Time!',
settings: {
Playlist: <uuid>,
EndGame: {
MaxScore: {
Enabled: true, // Game ends when a player reaches score X
Score: 10
MaxSongs: {
Enabled: false,
Songs: 0
Duration: {
Enabled: true, // Game can also end if duration exceeds 60 minutes
Minutes: 60
Players: {
Twitch: true, // Twitch chat is allowed to participate
TwitchPlayerName: 'Twitch' // Name of the twitch channel's player on the leaderboard
Guests: false // Guests not allowed
TimeSettings: {
WhenToStartSong: 15, // Percentage of when to start the song
GuessingTime: 25, // Seconds to guess
QuickGuessingTime: 10, // Give extra points if answer is given before that time in seconds
AnswerTime: 30 // Show answer for 30 seconds before going to the next song
Answers: {
Accepted: {
series: {
Enabled: true,
Points: 1
songwriters: {
Enabled: true,
Points: 5
}, // All tag types + title + year are accepted
QuickAnswerAwardedPoints: 5, // Number of points for a quick good answer
SimilarityPercentageNeeded: 80 // Percentage of how much similar the answer given needs to be to the real answer to award points
Modifiers: { // What to hide
Mute: false,
Blind: 'black', // Also 'blur' or 'none'
NoLyrics: true,
Pitch: 0
Speed: 0
RandomHide: 0 // If >0 uses this number of modifiers randomly for each song
state: {
running: true,
currentSongNumber: 5, // song currently on
currentTotalDuration: 1200, // seconds
playlist: <uuid>,
currentSong: <kara object>
date: <Date>,
flag_active: true // is it the currently active game?
}, ...
code: 500,
Get user's game score
Authentication needed Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Returns a specific user's game score list. If the game had 10 songs, you'll get 10 entries.
<template #request>
gamename: 'Karaoke Quiz Time!',
username: 'axel@mykmrepo.net'
nickname: 'Axel Terizaki',
kid: '55688483-19b8-4268-9691-9052ac88ac1a', // Full answer
answer: 'Kaerimichi', // User entered this
points: 3, // points awarded,
gamename: 'Karaoke Quiz Time!'
}, ...
code: 500
Get game's total scores
Authentication needed Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Returns a leaderbooard with a game's scores for each player involved.
Entries are sorted by best score first.
<template #request>
gamename: 'Karaoke Quiz Time!'
nickname: 'Axel Terizaki',
total: 50
nickname: 'QCTX',
total: 47
code: 500
Get possible answers
Authentication needed Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Returns an array of possible answers to choose from depending on what the user typed. Like a search engine allowing players to select the answer they want from what they typed.
<template #request>
answer: 'Mahoro'
ktid: '<uuid>', // Can be either a Kara ID or Tag ID
type: null // Tag type if applicable,
default_name: 'Mahoromatic', // Tag name if applicable
default_language: 'eng', // Default language to display the name to the user
i18n: {...} // i18n object with language = name
}, ...
code: 500
Give an answer
Authentication needed
Give answer for a specific player. The player identity is defined by its auth token. Answers can be either specific TIDs or KIDs, but also simple strings, depending on what kind of answers are accepted.
<template #request>
anser: <uuid>
Simply resolves
code: 500
Get quiz timers
Authentication needed
Get remaining time for all different timers.
<template #success-response>
: Time left for the players to guess the song playing. 0 if the time is over alreadyrevealTime
: Time left for the reveal of the song players had to guess.quickGuess
: Time left before answers can be considered a "quick guess". A period of time that allows players to earn bonus points.
guessTime: 0,
revealTime: 12,
quickGuess: 0
code: 500