Get list of playlists
Authentication needed Frontend needs to be restricted or open
Query list of playlists.
Guests or users will not see invisible playlists.
plaid: 1,
name: 'My Playlist',
karacount: 49, // number of songs in playlist
duration: 3600, // duration in seconds
time_left: 1200, // time left before playlist ends (based on song with flag_playing's position,
created_at: '2021-01-02 13:30' // Date object
modified_at: '2021-01-02 13:30' // Date object
flag_visible: true,
flag_current: true,
flag_public: true,
plcontent_id_playing: 12 // Playlist content which has the flag_playing
username: 'Axel' // Who created the playlist
code: 500,
message: {
Create playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Create a new playlist
name: 'My new playlist',
flag_visible: true,
flag_current: false,
flag_public: false,
flag_smart: false,
flag_whitelist: false,
flag_blacklist: false
plaid: 2
code: 500,
message: {
Get single playlist
Authentication needed Frontend needs to be restricted or open
Get a single playlist
plaid: 2
See getPlaylists's response. You receive a single object instead of an array.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 404,
message: {
Edit playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Edit playlist's information
plaid: 2,
name: 'My new renamed playlist',
flag_visible: true,
flag_current: true,
flag_smart: true,
smart_limit_order: 'newest', // or 'oldest'
smart_limit_number: 100,
smart_limit_type: 'songs', // or 'duration'
flag_smartlimit: true,
type_smart: 'UNION' // Or 'INTERSECT' for AND playlists
Only plaid
is mandatory. Any omitted setting isn't modified.
Note on flag_public
and flag_current
: Setting these to false
has no effect. You need to set another playlist as public or current first, as there can be only one playlist with these flags.
Simply returns.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 404,
message: {
Delete playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Delete a playlist and its contents.
plaid: 2
Simply resolves.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 404,
message: {
Usually happens if playlist is either current or public.
code: 409,
message: {
msg: 'Playlist 1 is current. Unable to delete it. Make another playlist current first.'
Empty playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Empty a playlist of all its songs
plaid: 2
Simply resolves.
code: 500,
message: {
Find playing song's index
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Find the currently playing song's index in a playlist. This helps when you do not load the full playlist and need to find out where the current song is to jump to it.
plaid: 2
index: 203
Note: index
is -1 if flag_playing isn't set on any song in the playlist.
code: 500
Get playlist contents
Authentication needed Frontend needs to be restricted or open
Returns an array of playlist contents.
plaid: 2,
filter: null,
from: 0, // -1 if you want to get to the currently playing song's position
size: 200,
random: null // Return X random songs from the playlist
orderByLikes: false // Order results by number of likes/accepted/refused status
is useful for the suggestion playlist. It returns non-accepted/non-refused songs first, then accepted ones, then refused ones. It orders each group by likes in descending order.
Extends the Get Songs response with additional data :
infos: <see Get songs>
contents: [
<see Get Songs>,
criterias: [
type: 7
value: <TID>
], // Criterias list criterias used to get this song in the smart playlist (if we're listing a smart playlist's contents)
created_at: <Date object>, // When the song was added to the playlist
nickname: 'Axel-kun' // Different from username, this is the nickname used when the song was added
username: '',
avatar_file: 'abcdefgh.png',
user_type: 'admin',
pos: 4, // Position in playlist,
playlistcontent_id: 39,
flag_playing: true, // Song is currently playing
upvotes: 0, // Number of upvotes,
flag_visible: true, // Song is visible in playlist to regular users/guests,
flag_free: true, // Song has been freed and doesn't count in a user's quota
flag_refused: false, // Song hasn't been refused by the operator yet
flag_accepted: false, // Song hasn't been accepted by the operator yet
code: 500,
message: {
code: 404,
message: {
Get playlist contents (micro)
Authentication needed Frontend needs to be restricted or open
This version only returns a small subset of information from a playlist.
plaid: '<uuid>',
kid: <uuid>,
username:, // Requester
plcid: 20938,
flag_playing: false,
pos: 5,
plaid: <uuid>,
nickname: 'Axel Terizaki',
flag_free: false,
flag_visible: true,
flag_accepted: false,
flag_refused: false,
mediafile: 'FRE - Mahoromatic - AMV - Derniere Danse.mp4',
repository: '',
mediasize: 12319290,
duration: 240
}, ...
code: 500,
message: {
Add song to playlist
Authentication needed Frontend needs to be open
Add one or several songs to a playlist at a given position.
Some checks are disabled when an admin uses this function.
plaid: '<uuid>',
requester: 'Axel Terizaki' // Optional
kids: [ // KIDs go here
pos: 2 // Optional, see below.
is optional.
- If undefined, songs are added at the end of the playlist.
- If specified, songs are added at
. - If
is set to -1, songs are added after the currently playing song.
plc: ...
contains the first song added's full Playlist content information. See response for more details. You can use notably plc.time_before_play
to have an idea of when the sogn you added is going to play.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 400,
message: {
// Validation errors here
Randomize a PLC
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Randomizes one or more songs in a playlist
plc_ids: [239, 240, 289]
Simply resolves.
code: 500
Copy song to another playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Copies a song from one playlist to another.
plaid: 5, // Destination playlist
plc_ids: [ // Source PLCs to copy
pos: 2
See how pos
is treated in addKaraToPlaylist above
Simply resolves.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 400,
message: {
// Validation error here
Remove song from playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Removes a song from a playlist
plc_ids: [
Simply resolves.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 400,
message: {
// Validation error here
Get single playlist content
Authentication needed Frontend needs to be restricted or open
Retrieves a single song from a playlist. This contains additional information than the [get playlist contents](#get-playlist-contents) command.
plc_id: 12
Extends the response from the get playlist contents command.
<See get playlist contents>
kara_created_at: <Date>, // When the song was added to the repository
kara_modified_at: <Date>, // When the song was last updated in the repository
time_before_play: 134 // seconds before the song is due to play.
code: 500,
message: {
Edit playlist content
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Edit various information about a song in a playlist
You can specify only the items you want to change
plc_ids: [
pos: 5, // Update song's position
flag_playing: true, // This song is now the one about to be played,
flag_free: true,
flag_visible: true,
flag_accepted: true, // Accept this song
flag_refused: false
Simply resolves.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 400,
message: {
// Validation errors here
Up/downvote a song
Authentication needed Frontend needs to be restricted or open
Upvote or downvote a song in a playlist
plc_id: 2
downvote: true // optional
Simply resolves.
Replace UPVOTE
in the following error message when applicable.
code: 404,
code: 403,
message: {
You cannot vote for a song you requested.
code: 403,
message: {
code: 403,
message: {
Export playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Export a playlist
plaid: 2
"Header": {
"description": "Karaoke Mugen Playlist File",
"version": 4
"PlaylistContents": [
"flag_playing": true,
"nickname": "lol",
"created_at": <Date>,
"pos": 1,
"username": "",
"flag_free": false,
"flag_visible": false,
"flag_accepted": false,
"flag_refused": false,
"kid": "b0de301c-5756-49fb-b019-85a99a66586b"
"PlaylistInformation": {
"created_at": <Date>
"flag_visible": true,
"modified_at": <Date>
"name": "Test",
"time_left": 0
code: 500,
message: {
Import playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Import a playlist from JSON data
playlist: ...
For playlist
data, see export playlist above.
code: 200,
message: {
code: 'PL_IMPORTED',
data: {
plaid: 5, // newly created playlist ID
unknownKaras: [
] // Array of KIDs unknown to the local database but available on online repositories. Array length 0 if all songs are in local database.
code: 500,
message: {
code: 400,
message: {
// Validation error here
Shuffle playlist
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Shuffle a playlist with a specific method
plaid: 2,
method: 'normal',
fullShuffle: false // Shuffle entire playlist instead of only after currently playing song
can be :
: Random shufflesmart
: Shuffle but avoids long songs close to each other, or one person having all its songs bundled togetherbalance
: Creates pools of users and balances songs among the poolsupvotes
: Sorts the playlist by number of upvotes
Simply resolves
code: 500,
message: {
Create Automix
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Create an automix playlist with a set of criterias. This is similar to smart playlists but the playlsit created is static and can be modified manually.
filters: {
usersFavorites: [,
usersAnimeList?: [
years: [1982, 2003],
tags: [
tid: '...',
type: 8
limitType: 'duration', // "songs" is another option
limitNumber: 3600, // seconds for duration, or number of songs for songs limit type
playlistName: 'My shiny new automix',
surprisePlaylist: false // if true then all songs added will be hidden
plaid: 5 // newly created playlist
playlist_name: 'Automix 03/05/2021'
code: 500,
message: {
code: 404,
message: {
Export playlist medias
Operator user required Frontend can be closed, restricted or open
Export playlist to a folder, creating a set of medias and .ass files so you can read your playlist with a regular media pleyer.
A .m3u file is also created.
plaid: "451569d6-cc1c-4c33-a40c-7aa8a69f7a29",
exportDir: "/home/aterizak/myPlaylist"
See getPlaylsitContents command, with an extra property called exportedSuccessfully
to know if any media failed its export or not.
code: 500,
message: {